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consultation & education

We work to create change and spread knowledge so autists and other neurodivergent individuals can thrive in society


Interview i Information

Neurokinds stifter Catrine er blevet interviewet til Dagbladet Information omkring familiens historie med ufrivilligt skolefravær.


Our mission

Better well-being, equality, and opportunities for neurodivergent people

Our mission is to make it easier for neurodivergent people to live a good life in our own way.

We do this by 1) facilitating knowledge and understanding of autism and other neurodivergence in many different parts of society, 2) helping neurodivergent voices to be heard, and 3) providing direct support to neurodivergent people in different ways.

Advocacy and awareness of structural barriers is a central part of our work, and we always work systemically and from the neurodiversity paradigm.

How we work

We operate from an understanding that neurodivergent people are different from the norm; not wrong!


Individuel support

Mentoring & counseling

Counseling sessions for neurodivergent people (e.g. autistic and ADHD) and loved ones of neurodivergent people. Gain neuro-affirming knowledge and support to find your way in life and thrive as a neurodivergent. 

Organizations & group

Lectures & workshops

We provide lectures and workshops for companies, institutions, and individuals about autism and other types of neurodivergence. Our goals are 1) to spread neuro-affirmative knowledge and 2) to support neurodivergent people's opportunities for well-being and participation in their respective communities. 


Who is Neurokind?

Meet Catrine, Neurokind's founder

Read the story of how Catrine, the founder of Neurokind, discovered that she and her entire family are neurodivergent and how the idea for Neurokind was born out of a desire to create something she herself was missing: professionals with personal life experience of being neurodivergent!

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Keep up to date with Neurokind's activities and get information about topics relating to autism and neurodiversity (we promise not to flood your inbox).

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